My 5 hustle laws
Work in silence
This is a lesson I’ve had to learn the hard way. I’ve come to believe that sharing your achievements or plans too early can sometimes hinder their success - It’s almost as if prematurely celebrating them takes away some of their potential to fully materialize.
I have experienced many situations where I shared exciting opportunities or milestones, only for them to not unfold as I had hoped.
This is why I resonate deeply with the quote, “Work in silence, let your success make the noise.” - I now prefer to keep my endeavors private until they’ve come to fruition. Never let anyone know your next move ,)
Balance does not work
Balance and success rarely goes hand-in-hand. I firmly believe that a balanced lifestyle is the least effective approach to long-term achievement- In my experience, true success demands continuous sacrifices. In fact, I have never heard of a person who prioritized anything over their success and still made it. I don’t subscribe to the modern mindset that prioritizes eight hours of sleep every night, daily socializing, and working only when it feels convenient. For me, all of that is a distraction - it's either 100% or nothing.
Every successful person in this world is a little insane: The relentless drive to work around the clock and sacrifice everything to reach your goals demands a certain level of "craziness."
I wholeheartedly believe in being "delusional" - chasing dreams so big they terrify you, applying for positions far beyond your qualifications, and taking every opportunity, no matter how improbable. To me, this mindset brings you one step closer to achieving greatness.
Many people have called me crazy throughout my life, and I am certain many more will. At this point, I take it as a compliment:)
do or die mentality
I have often asked myself if I would want a life without achievement - the obvious answer is, no. That does not mean that I will end my journey if I do not reach a certain level of success - it just means that I will hustle relentlessly until I get there. That giving up is not even an option at this point, because the thought of looking back one day and feeling average is the last thing I would ever want to experience.
Obsession beats talent
I truly believe that whatever goal you have, no matter how huge it is, you can achieve it: you can be the best at anything. The key lies in developing an unshakable, almost obsessive dedication. Your goal must consume you; it must flow through your blood, fill your bones, and become such an essential part of your existence that living without it isn’t an option. To beat those who were born naturally with a talent that are competing with you, you need to be relentless. When the talented take a break, you keep working. When they party, you sacrifice. When they quit, you are only starting.
Work like there is not tomorrow.